Unlock the Benefits of KetoSlimFitDiet

The KetoSlimFitdiet plan for weight loss is something that most people have heard about. It is one of the best methods to get rid of excess weight while improving health.

  • Fat Block & Burner
  • Appetite Control
  • Metabolism Boost
  • Detox Naturally & Safely
Get Started!

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

There is a ton of hype surrounding the ketogenic diet. Some researchers swear that it is the best diet for most people to be on, while others think it is just another fad diet.

To some degree, both sides of the spectrum are right. There isn’t one perfect diet for everyone or every condition, regardless of how many people “believe” in it. The ketogenic diet is no exception to this rule.

There are three instances where there’s research to back up a ketogenic diet, including to help control type 2 diabetes, as part of epilepsy treatment, or for weight loss, says Mattinson. “In terms of diabetes, there is some promising research showing that the ketogenic diet may improve glycemic control.

How It Works?

When ketones are present in the body, this is known as Ketosis. Ketones are produced naturally by the body when dieting or fasting.

The premise of the ketogenic diet for weight loss is that if you deprive the body of glucose—the main source of energy for all cells in the body, which is obtained by eating carbohydrate foods—an alternative fuel called ketones is produced from stored fat (thus, the term “keto”-genic). The brain demands the most glucose in a steady supply, about 120 grams daily, because it cannot store glucose.

During fasting, or when very little carbohydrate is eaten, the body first pulls stored glucose from the liver and temporarily breaks down muscle to release glucose. If this continues for 3-4 days & stored glucose is fully depleted, blood levels of a hormone called insulin decrease, & the body begins to use fat as its primary fuel. The liver produces ketone bodies from fat, which can be used in the absence of glucose.

Quality Guarantee

All KetoSlimFitDiet products are manufactured and packaged in the USA and undergo rigorous quality assurance procedures to ensure the highest quality. We are committed to providing state‐of‐the‐art nutraceuticals to support your optimal health and well-being.

All supplements are: (1) Produced in a FDA‐Registered, BMP and CSI‐Certified facility. (2) Free of fillers, binders and artificial ingredients. (3) Made of natural and pure botanicals and premium‐grade ingredients.


What to look for in Keto Supplements

The ketogenic diet is a popular diet for weight loss and general health. Some supplements can improve the effectiveness of the diet, while others prevent nutrient deficiencies or ease the side effects.

The ketogenic diet, which people commonly call the keto diet, focuses on high fat foods and includes few to no carbohydrates. This approach may have several health benefits. Some evidence suggests that for some people, it may be a more effective weight loss plan in the long term than a low fat diet.

However, some supplements can help with the discomfort that can occur as a person’s body adjusts to a keto diet. They can also help a person get the right amount of fats in their diet.

The following supplements may be helpful for people on a keto diet:

1. Medium chain triglyceride oil

Medium chain triglyceride oil, or MCT oil, is a type of fatty acid that occurs in coconut oil. The liver metabolizes these fats, transforming them into a source of fuel.

A 2018 study found a “clear ketogenic effect” when people took supplemental MCTs. MCTs may also help a person lose more weight, according to some research.

MCTs are not in many other foods, so taking a supplement can allow a person to get the potential benefits of these fats.

MCT oil is liquid at room temperature. People can mix it into foods or smoothies, or they can take it alone. A standard dose is 1 teaspoon. People should try this to start because a higher initial dose, such as 1 tablespoon or more, may induce diarrhea.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral and electrolyte that is abundant in the body. The body needs magnesium for many different processes, including food metabolism, transmission of nerve signals, balance of fluids, maintenance of bone and muscle health, and more.

Although a few keto friendly foods, such as nuts and spinach, are high in magnesium, the diet is low in other magnesium rich foods, including whole grains, fruit, beans, and dairy products.

Magnesium supplements are available in different forms. The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) state that the body may absorb some types — including magnesium aspartate, citrate, lactate, glycinate, and chloride forms — more readily than others. However, a doctor may recommend a specific form of magnesium to meet a person’s needs.

3. Electrolytes

As the body adjusts to a keto diet, the kidneys may excrete more water. This increased excretion can cause the body to lose vital electrolytes, which include not only magnesium but also potassium, chloride, phosphorus, and sodium.

Taking an electrolyte supplement can help rebalance the levels of these minerals. Electrolyte supplements vary in their mineral content, so it is important for a person to read labels to be sure that they are not getting too much of these minerals. Most contain a combination of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

A keto friendly supplement should contain no sugar or sweeteners.

Alternatively, a person may wish to try adopting the following practices to get the three main electrolytes:
  • taking a magnesium supplement daily
  • adding some extra salt to the diet or consuming beef or chicken broth daily
  • eating potassium rich, keto friendly foods, such as avocado or cooked spinach, every day

4. Fiber

Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods, and it is important for keeping the digestive system healthy.

Fiber supplements can be helpful if people find that they become constipated while following the keto diet. They should look for a keto friendly formula that does not contain sugar.

It is also important to drink plenty of water, which helps keep digestion running smoothly. Taking fiber supplements without adequate water intake could make constipation worse.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Omega-3s are present in high amounts in some fatty fish and eggs, and they also occur in plant form in some nuts and seeds.

People who take medications that affect blood clotting, such as blood thinners, should ask a doctor before using omega-3 supplements. People who are allergic to fish or shellfish should avoid supplements that contain fish oil, krill oil, or other fish based ingredients.

6. Digestive enzymes

The gut uses enzymes to break down different parts of foods during digestion. If a person who is switching to a keto diet ate a large number of carbs previously, they might find that they have trouble with the change.

Supplements that contain proteases and peptidases are also a good choice, as these break down protein.

7. L-theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid that is difficult to obtain from foods. The only known good source of l-theanine is green or black tea, but the amounts may vary depending on the type of tea and how a person brews it.

Studies show that taking this supplement may help improve sleep quality, decrease anxiety, and improve mental cognition. As a result, it could be an excellent option if a person experiences mental fog or trouble concentrating as they transition to the keto diet.

The top 4 keto supplements products

Here's our list of the best keto supplements of the year. But hey, don't take our word for it. As a consumer, youhave to be able to rely on your good judgment to get the best possible product that involves hard work, like doing research.

Keto Trim Fast Diet Formula

Powerfull Keto Supplement



9.8 out of 10

230 Verified Votes



Consumer Reviews


Quality Of Ingredients




Money BAck


Overall Value



  • Doctor recommended
  • Contains correct amounts of BHB, MCT and Keto Salts
  • Uses clinically supported technologies
  • All natural formuls
  • Made in USA
  • Has researched ingredients, Made in GMP approved facility
  • Has no synthetic fillers or binders
  • 30-day, risk-free, money-back, product guarantee


  • Only available for online purchase from the manufacturers, not in stores
  • Due to popularity, sometimes its on backorder/sold out

The Results

This clear number #1 keto product offers a lot of unique benefits which made it rank as the current best.

Keto Trim Fast rules the roost with a fantastic list of ingredients, including the main ones we've been talking about: BHB, MCT oil, and keto salts in correct amounts, along with BioPerine, which will make sure the ingredients will be as effective as they possibly can.

Their return policy is top of its class - a comprehensive, 30-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee, proving the company stands behing its products. This was a huge advantage versus the competition, along with total effectiveness projections that rivaled any other supplement we found.

When you look at all the options out there, this is the one that combines ingredient quality, manufacturing quality, and customer-centric policies. We recommend it wholeheartedly! Learn More About Our #1-Rated Choice

UPDATE: Keto Trim Fast is currently offered with a 70% Off Discount, Free shipping.

Expiration day:

Official Website: ketoslimfitdiet.com

ADVANCED Keto Diet Formula

Powerfull Keto Supplement



9.6 out of 10

1094 Verified Votes



Consumer Reviews


Quality Of Ingredients




Money BAck


Overall Value



  • Doctor recommended
  • Contains correct amounts of ADVANCED, MCT
  • Uses clinically supported technologies
  • All natural formuls
  • Made in USA
  • Studies are available for every ingredient
  • Company also has a great history of supporting customers and of being trustworthy
  • 30-day, risk-free, money-back, product guarantee


  • There is no data about how much of these ingredients is in their blend, or if there are other less recommended ingredients that can be found in their mix as well. It is hard to trust a product that does not disclose its basic nutritional information

The Results

ADVANCED Keto is made by a professional-looking company and comes in a formula that contains natural ingredients, and as a bonus, is safe for both vegans and those with gluten sensitivities.

The proprietary blend of ADVANCED Keto contains quite a few of our experts favorite keto ingredients, including ADVANCED and MCT.

Those who have weak stomachs might have a problem with one or two of the ingredients, but those who are hardy and can take it might see some benefits from taking it.

Just make sure you pace yourself and don't go over the recommended dosage.

UPDATE: ADVANCED Keto is currently offered with a 60% Off Discount, Free shipping.

Expiration day:

Keto Trim Diet Formula

Powerfull Keto Supplement



9.1 out of 10

1103 Verified Votes



Consumer Reviews


Quality Of Ingredients




Money BAck


Overall Value



  • Uses clinically supported technologies
  • All natural formuls
  • Made in USA
  • It relies on a natural active ingredient which is backed by clinical studies
  • The sales of it come in 2 kinds of bottles for longer lasting intended results


  • Only available for online purchase from the manufacturers, not in stores.
  • No consumer reviews are available, and it's impossible to say if this company or supplement is trustworthy.

The Results

Keto Trim contains a solid formula that could help people lose body fat and increase their energy levels, as well as improve focus and reduce stress levels.

Unfortunately the company seems to be rather new, so they don't have any customer testimonials relating how effective the product is.

If you end up using this product just keep in mind the recommended dosage and see how well it works for you, because when it comes to supplements you have to go based on your own individual needs.

SF 180 Simply Diet Formula

Powerfull Keto Supplement



8.6 out of 10

1132 Verified Votes



Consumer Reviews


Quality Of Ingredients




Money BAck


Overall Value



  • Uses clinically supported technologies
  • All natural formuls
  • Made in USA
  • It relies on a natural active ingredient which is backed by clinical studies
  • 30-day, risk-free, money-back, product guarantee


  • It has a very little amount of those useful ingredients in its blend, and the ingredient that it has the largest quantity of is not considered to be particularly effective.
  • No consumer reviews are available

The Results

It seems highly unlikely that all users will notice a significant benefit to their keto diet after taking SF 180. It uses a large amount of ingredients that are not known to be effective, and very small amounts of the more useful ingredients in its proprietary blend.

There are plenty of keto products available right now that have much more favorable ingredient blends. Readers are encouraged to find products that feature keto salts more heavily in their mixtures, especially if they are also supported by a more effective roster of secondary ingredients as well.